God built our world with timeless truths (universal laws and principles) we can discover and live.
These truths have the power to set us free from the significant problems we face.
As we band together in living and speaking truth, we can build a healthier culture.
I've had the privilege of spending much of my spare time over the last 25 years, as I raised my 6 children, to study from the greatest books ever written. I've had amazing mentors and many exciting opportunities including:
Writing college curriculum
Speaking hundreds of times to educators, business executives, parents, religious leaders and many others
Earning a Masters of Arts in Education
Mentoring thousands of students through my own courses and events
Writing The Mission Driven Life
All in all it's been a joy and I'm excited to keep creating and learning!

Many years ago, I was sitting in my basement, on an old armchair, in a sparsely furnished room because we had no money for couches or decor. Our used treadmill was next to me on one side, my children on the other. I adored them, but I often felt that they deserved a much better mom than me. Why? Because of a myriad of unforeseen troubles which had descended on me one by one over the past 5 years until I felt crushed under their weight...
Keep Reading"I desired a clear vision of my purpose in my current season of life. And I got it!."
Linda Vea Kinikini
"It was refreshing to talk about principles and discuss ways we benefit by living them."
Marni Hall