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EP 142: Why Education in the U.S. SUCKS! (How the NEA is failing our kids...and my upcoming education series)

When I first saw this 2023 NEA Convention speech by Becky Pringle, I was dumbstruck. I had hear not good things about the NEA but when Becky spent 30 minutes saying NOTHING about education and EVERYTHING about the Democratic party platform, I had to know more.

I dug in and researched the NEA and Becky Pringle. What I found wasn't good.

But more than that, I was inspired to FINALLY do the History of Education Podcast series I've thought about for years.

It's needed. It's time. We MUST know what education is SUPPOSED to be, and how we can get back to educational principles that that build people up, instead of tearing them down.

Subscribe to my PODCAST to join me for the series this fall:

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