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EP 150: Liking vs. Loving Ourselves

There is sooooo much out there about "self-love"! But what in the world does that really mean?

Is a trip for the weekend with your girlfriends self-love?

Is getting your nails done self-love? I

s getting a new wardrobe self-love?

In the Mission Driven Academies we focus heavily on what self-love really means and how to obtain it. And recently I released a podcast about how we don't need to like ourselves in order to create the lives we want. So what's the way forward?

Can we love ourselves without liking ourselves? Should liking ourselves be a goal?

Ultimately, HOW do we navigate properly this confusing relationship with ourselves?!

In this episode I focus on the difference between liking and loving ourselves and why knowing the difference is CRUCIAL!

If you're ready to dive deeper, join the moms or teens academies!

You can also get your FREE copy of my "Truth Seekers Starter Kit":

*Here's the podcast I mentioned: