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EP 154: How our Christian past defines EVERYTHING we believe...And what that can teach us about truth!

Want to understand better how to ask great questions as you read? Want to see how to find principles in the world around you? That's what we show you and so much more in this podcast! Get the article "From Opinions to Principles" and learn the 5 Types of Questions for FREE:

About our discussion: So many of us think we fashion our own lives and core beliefs; we think we are "independent" of our culture and that we blaze our own trail--but we DON'T! We are defined by the world around us and in the case of people in the West, especially the U.S., that means a Christian history and Christian values. That's why, whether you accept it or not, in the way you see the world, the decisions that you make, what you value, how you find meaning, and how you interact with others, YOU ARE thoroughly CHRISTIAN! Join Audrey, Lindsey, and Kim for a discussion of The Air We Breathe and the surprising insights it contains about our common values of equality, compassions, consent, enlightenment, science, freedom and progress.

Next group discussion will be on: Fellowship of the Rings. Get the book and read alongside us! We'll be discussing evil, principles in novels, the hero's journey and more!

Ready to take your truth seeking to the next level? Get your "Truth Seekers Starter Kit" for FREE: