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 Struggling to find the fulfillment and confidence you want? 

Let's Discover YOUR POTENTIAL together!

Tell Me More!

Does any of this sound familiar?

You're getting LOST in motherhood.

  • Despite all your best efforts you can never strike a healthy balance between your own needs and personal growth, and raising happy children.

You're willing to work hard but you DON'T KNOW what to do.

  • You're ready to put in the effort for change but you don't know what's wrong or where to start.

You're tired of trying things that DON'T WORK.

  • You've tried programs, books, or even therapy, but nothing seems to stick. 

You are not alone. 

We were also tired of coming last in our own lives.

We were ready for a change.

We wanted to be challenged, motivated, and inspired.

We wanted life to be an exciting adventure. 

Like Tresta, who learned how to stop comparing herself to others and relish in her newly discovered talents.

Like Heidi, whose new skills enabled her to reshape her marriage into a relationship much richer and more fulfilling. 

Like Anndalyn, who, despite her already good life knew she needed more, was shocked and amazed at the immense mental and emotional growth she experienced.  

Like Erin, who has found some of the deepest and most meaningful relationships of her life among inspiring, motivating like-minded women and mentors.

Imagine if you could...

Love and Like Yourself

Be at peace with who you are, and feel genuinely proud of your unique gifts and talents. 

Have Clear Direction

Know exactly what your goals are and the next steps you need to take to get you there. 

Feel Supported and Loved

Enjoy the comfort of meaningful friendships with women who are on the path with you. 

If you're ready for these transformations in your own life, you've come to the right place. 


MDM Academy is the proven method for moms to learn to love themselves properly, show up for their families with renewed energy and optimism, confidently build relationships that nurture them, and actively discover and develop their greatest gifts through learning and living the 7 Laws of Life Mission. 

Perfect for Moms and Women Who Want More Confidence and Fulfillment
Yes, I Want More Confidence!

In this course, you'll learn how to:

Understand and meet your real needs

Our culture has self-love and self-care all wrong. Rather than pampering ourselves, we must identify and meet our real needs in order to truly thrive. With the academy focus on the 4 key areas of need, including insights and practice helps, you will begin to see your energy and optimism increase exponentially.

Identify and practice liberating principles

As you'll come to understand in the academy, principles are the immutable truths that we can learn and live in order to overcome our struggles permanently. With 13 principles lists, and lots of instruction and practice, you will be empowered to have truth make you free! 

Move forward when you feel stuck

Through gaining the skills to be a creator rather than a victim, tell yourself the truth, ask empowering questions, stay out of the box, and more, you will be able to identify what is stunting your growth and take proper action to move forward again. Every time!


Discover and develop your talents 

Our schooling taught us almost nothing about our temperament, strengths, intelligences, geniuses, tendencies, and more. All these tests, quizzes, and tools will enable you to see yourself with new eyes, gain confidence, and truly come to know, accept and love yourself.  

Lead yourself and your family confidently

You are already a leader--you lead yourself and your family every day. Either you are practicing and honing your leadership skills or you are living by default. By understanding love, needs, self-management, principles, and more, and utilizing the family read-alouds, your leadership ability will be sharpened and bless you and your family immeasurably. 

Discern truth in our confusing culture

Discernment is vital in our declining society. As you deep-dive into the nature of truth and learn to identify and apply truth in your personal life, your ability to see lies and deception will be honed, and you will feel more capable to navigate the culture with confidence.

Hi mom!

I'm Audrey, creator of the MDM Academy. 

When my life felt out of control, and books, courses, and therapy didn't help me, I went on a search for answers. 

Through the truths that I discovered, I came to feel in control of myself, confident about who I am, and clarity about what I needed and how to move forward. 

When a women's class I attended years later showed me that other moms and women were in the same pain I had been in, I determined to share what I had found and support them on their journey out of confusion and dissatisfaction, into peace and fulfillment. 

I want you (as I wanted these women) to know how amazingly gifted you are, to feel the joy of loving and liking yourself, and to thrive in your personal achievements as well as in your home. 

I KNOW that is possible for you! 

That's why we've built all the best principles, paradigms, approaches, assessments, and resources into the MDM Academy.

So that you can feel excited about life again, and grow as a woman and a mother, as you were divinely designed to do. 

Here's how the *MDM Academy
"Level 1: Love of God and Self" breaks down:


Video lessons, activities, readings, and principles lists in this section include:

  • Your binder pages and mini-posters
  • Why we are becoming servant leaders
  • The nature of truth and principles
  • The nature and definition of love
  • How love and truth are both vital to growth
  • Beginning reading skills
  • Deep dive into the 7 Laws of Life Mission
  • The true meaning of self-love and love of God
  • Family discussion activity
  • 1st self-discovery quiz

Cycle 1

Video lessons, activities, readings, and principles lists in this section include:

  • Introduction to real needs
  • Why and how to be willing rather than willful
  • The connection between faith and truth
  • How to increase your personal power
  • Activity for focusing on your strengths
  • What drama is and how we get in it
  • The antidote for drama in our lives and how to stay there
  • Family read-aloud
  • The true nature of blame and shame
  • 2nd and 3rd self-discovery activities

Cycle 2

Video lessons, activities, readings, and principles lists in this section include:

  • The power of exercise
  • Creating rituals out of needs
  • Making scripture connections
  • The thought cycle
  • Why and how to tell yourself the truth
  • Why and how to ask empowering questions
  • Family read aloud
  • Focus on finding the principles in a novel
  • 4th self-discovery quiz and activity

Cycle 3

Video lessons, activities, readings, and principles lists in this section include:

  • What mental needs are and why they matter
  • How meeting mental needs is a game-changer 
  • What it means to see ourselves as "superhuman" or "subhuman" and why it matters
  • What self-deception is and how to get out
  • Aspects of conscience that help us build self-confidence
  • How to see yourself and others more honestly
  • Family read-aloud
  • 5th self-discovery test with readings and resources

Cycle 4

Video lessons, activities, readings, and principles lists in this section include:

  • The connection between depression, purpose, and happiness
  • What forgiveness is, what it is not and why we need it so desperately
  • The nature of emotional needs and emotional renewal
  • How to stay in "realistic optimism"
  • How to be an essentialist
  • What is enough and why it matters
  • The role of mission and principles in our emotional life
  • Family read-aloud
  • 6th self-discovery activity and resources

Putting It All Together

Video lessons, activities, readings, and principles lists in this section include:

  • Funeral exercise
  • Vision walk
  • Tools for writing your mission statement
  • Editable pdf for creating a beautiful mission statement to hang up in your home
  • Recorded group discussion of all that's been learned
  • Certificate of completion to fill out and print off




*The full MDM Academy walks you through all the 7 Laws of Life Mission and is made up of 3 levels, mini-mission projects, and a leadership team. You'll learn more about the other levels and have the opportunity to purchase and complete them after you've purchased and worked through level 1.

Plus, you get these bonuses for 1 year:

Live Mentoring

Jump on live video calls regularly with knowledgable MDM Academy mentors and your fellow students.

Private Community

Connect 24/7 with other like-minded moms and mentors to chat or get your questions answered.

Worldwide Directory

Find fellow mission driven moms in your area and build in-person relationships wherever you live.

Yes, I Want Support & Motivation!

Here's What Makes Us Different:

Foundation of Principles

Although other online programs may cite specific principles, our program not only includes lists of principles, but we empower you to understand what principles are, discover them for yourself, and apply them effectively to your own life and circumstances. 

You become the expert in your own life!

7 Laws of Life Mission

Entirely unique to our academy is the process of following the example of great men and women by learning and living the 7 Laws of Life Mission. With a focus on loving God, yourself, truth, and humanity more fully, you always know the next step to take.

You have a proven method for reaching your potential!

Rich Relationships

Most online courses of this breadth and depth, if they include a community component at all, do no more. We've taken extreme steps to ensure that you have every opportunity of meeting like-minded women, receiving quality mentoring, and even finding moms who live in your area. 

You always have friends on the journey with you!

This IS for moms and women who:

  • Want to be the best person, spouse, and parent possible but need direction and motivation.
  • Long to better understand themselves, what they're capable of, and what their gifts and talents are.
  • Can't wait to be supported and encouraged by other like-minded women and mentors.

This is NOT for moms and women who:

  • Are not ready for self-honesty and learning how they can take control of themselves and their lives.
  • Already know all their gifts and talents and are actively developing them.
  • Already have clarity about their future and how to reach their goals. 

Don't just take it from me...

Here's what MDM Academy students have to say:

Making time for the MDM Academy created more productive time for me and my family.

I feel so inspired by the things I was asked to do for the academy. When I put off an assignment I would fall off in other ways in my life too. Somehow making time for this program created more productive time for me to be with my family. And when I'm with my family I'm kinder because my self care is being addressed, my mind is being nourished and I'm delegating more to my growing but still young kids.

Becca Allred

At first, I wouldn't even spend the money to buy the program because I couldn't commit to caring for myself that way. Even though I could easily drop any amount of money for my kids.

But, I feel like God guided me to this program. I think Audrey is wonderful, and the academy has been wonderful, but it's really God that changed me, you know? And I think that's what she's trying to do, is help people connect with Him. What she taught me was true self-care. Now I'm committed, and I love the way I feel when I do the program.

Beth Downs

I was a little bit scared of spending the money because I felt like I was a person who would pay for something and then never finish it. But I'm so grateful I did!

I'm a 27 year veteran of type 1 diabetes. I've had experiences that have been really difficult. And I asked myself, "What am I going to do to move forward from this?" MDM Academy was right in line with where I was trying to go. I realized through the program that I was cycling from creator to victim. I then tried to change that dynamic in my own self--to not go into that victim because it's almost like an addiction to be always in the victim cycle. Breaking that cycle, and replacing it with a creator type of a mentality, and using the gifts that I have to further where I want to be has been pretty transformative to me.

And my husband has said over and over, "Chrystal, you've grown so much that it's noticeable."

Chrystal Kwaitkowski 


When I became a mom, I wanted to be an intentional, focused, and deliberate mom. So I went on a journey. I searched through books, articles, attended conferences, all in search of what it would take to become this intentional and deliberate mom.

When I came across the Mission Driven Mom Academy, it felt so right to me and I knew it would be just what I was looking for and in just the right time to help me in this journey. And it has. As I've gone through level one, I've been able to really take that time, as it talks about, for self care. And I've loved being able to have the permission to find out more about me. What are my strengths? What am I good at? How can I contribute to my family and in the world? I've really, really enjoyed that part of it. Also, there was a big focus on thoughts. And we read some amazing books about how to be more honest with our thoughts. As well as being very careful about what we allow into our minds. I love the Mission Driven Mom Academy.

Natasha Stringham

Through the MDM Academy I learned to focus on principles as a way to build my character.

This has shaped my decisions and reactions to things around me, particularly when navigating social interactions and relationships that have the potential for being negative for whatever reason. Principles have also provided a good resource for character self-checks for myself which creates a self of well being.

Amy James

I felt that I had lost a sense of identity in taking care of my family and doing all those things that we have to do as women and mothers.

When I found the Mission Driven Moms website and book, a fire was lit in me again. I knew that this is what God wanted me to focus on. I've been gaining so much more confidence in myself when I work just a little more every day, step by step, and not giving up. Thank you so much, Mission Driven Mom. I am so grateful to you.

Audrey Checketts

I wanted to bring my whole community along with me. So my homeschool group is now doing it together.

It has been changing the way the women are thinking and my own thinking. They're talking in the hallways about the latest book they've discussed or the latest principle they've learned. 

What's happening with the moms, and with the kids, and in the classes that we're teaching to our homeschool kids, is changing to a higher quality. And all of that is because of MDM Academy.

Brenda Haws

I found my people when I joined MDM.

It's been a place where I have had people to discuss some deep and meaningful ideas and goals with. We all know what we're trying to do--we're trying to bring virtue back into the society. It is wonderful to have a soft place to land after you kind of feel like you've been in battle with negativity and a lot of the ugly things that are in the world. You are able to come back to this group of people who really understand you and can nourish you and help lift you back up after a hard day. 

Cadie Hatch

I've learned that I just need to think better and differently. Instead of trying to do more, just think differently and seek to understand and find truth.

I would say that MDM Academy is good for anyone, even if you're not a mom, but especially for moms. It helps you hone in on your skills and make sure that you have the kind of home that you want. Through the academy, you can get a vision and begin to understand what steps to take to get there, and what principles to ground yourself on to have the kind of home that you would dream of having.

Carolyn Marriott

I love to read books, but sometimes I have a hard time finishing them, or I want to talk to someone about them, but I don't have anyone.

So this is almost like I have a personal tutor with Audrey as I watch her videos and she helps me understand, and clarifies things for me. The academy also encourages you to question things in empowering ways, which I love. This has really helped me see things in a greater light. And then being able to discuss them with other women has been great. 

Kallee Cook

I'm so grateful for the changes in my heart and life!

The more I understand God's natural law and seek to live according to true principles, the more peace I feel within the storm, and assurance of my path. I am a mother of principle!

Amy Updike

Every time I get back on track with the MDM Academy, I feel my vision clarify, and my worries and wonders find their proper place. 

I feel more in tune with my God and a spiritual push in the right direction.

Anndalyn Hobbs

My family has a history of abuse and difficult things that have happened.

The academy helped me to ask myself more questions and look at where I've come from and not to judge myself. I realized that I've been frustrated that I wasn't farther along [in my life], but realizing that I'm making steps and that I can do one thing at a time and move forward in that way has been enlightening.  

Heather Nelson

Being able to stay focused on principles has helped me make some really tough decisions.

The MDM Academy has really helped me to see things in a more principled way. That has proven to be really important during this time of upheaval and political unrest. It has been a wonderful experience!

Chelsea Garner

The most immediate impact of the academy was in my relationships.

The way that I treated my family was more in line with principles, and I saw a lot better results. Before, I would do things and I wouldn't know why I was getting the outcomes I was because I wasn't seeing things clearly. Now, I'm not confused anymore, wondering why things aren't working out very well. I can identify what the issues are. I feel like I have more command over myself because I see what is going on. I feel awakened to these new principles that I can actually act on and they provide wonderful results in my relationships. 

MDM is like a light shown onto the path to mission and I feel like it's assisting me in doing what God needs me to do in my life.

Tracie Hyde

It took me a year to finally join the academy. I'd been hearing about it and thinking, "I don't need that. I love myself. I love God. We're good. Right? I don't need that." 

After I finally signed up and I'd been in the academy for a while, my son was trying out for community theater. With about 30 minutes notice, I decided to go and audition with him and just do it. I went in there and I auditioned and it was probably the scariest thing I've ever done. And that's really coming from the academy. I don't think I would have done that if I hadn't had everything that Audrey talks about, about believing in yourself and how women don't believe in themselves. And I was  lacking in confidence.

I wish I would have signed up sooner!

Karen Latham

For me, I tend not to be a super emotional person and really struggle with the idea of being vulnerable and opening up to people and this is gave me an avenue to do that.

When you're discussing books that are impactful to you and you want to share those experiences, it naturally opens you up. It has allowed me to have more avenues to be vulnerable with people in a way that I necessarily wasn't before. I've opened up about things I was struggling with and the things I'm changing about myself, where I haven't readily share those things in the past. And it's good because I'm not naturally that way. It's forced me to do that, but in a good way.

Kim Miner

It filled a void in my life. I've been in mom mode for so long and I felt for a while that I needed to build myself up.

I needed to not just be mom all the time. I need to better understand myself, and learn, and get a better understanding of what I'm capable of. Then I am able to better teach my children. The program was easy to share with my kids. We talk about how being victims or how can we create something in a hard situation. Also, understanding that I need emotional renewal blesses my life, and helps me to be a happier person and a better mom. 

Marie Hinckley

I was depressed because I didn't have purpose. I was doing all the things I was supposed to be doing but it wasn't enough. 

The biggest thing was my strengths, because in our culture, we look at our weaknesses. It's a whole paradigm shift to think instead, "What am I good at? And how can I use that to do the things God needs me to do?" It bleeds to the kids too, right? Because then I'm like, "Okay guys, let's find out your strengths because I really want to help support you in finding your life mission and discovering your strengths so that you can be the best person that you can be."

It's hard, but good. It's so good. 

Lindsey Wright 

I didn't think I had a lot of gifts and talents.

But through MDM Academy I've really discovered my gifts and talents, and really come to appreciate them on another level. And I feel like I use them with more respect and reverence for myself and for the gifts I've been given. I discovered myself in a new way and how to focus on my strengths. I now see the power of being focused on the things that I'm good at. 

LeeAnna Irving

I'm Ready For My Own Transformation!

You've got questions?
We have answers!

Yes, I'm Ready to Learn and Grow!

We want you to be 100% satisfied!

Our promise to you is that if you go through all the lessons of the MDM Academy, do the readings, complete the activities, and engage in the community and mentoring, and you believe that the academy has not blessed your life, we will give you 100% of your money back. No questions asked. 

Are You Ready to Reach Your Potential?

Through raising my own 6 children over the last 30 years, I’ve experienced firsthand the exhaustion and overwhelm mothering can bring. And I’ve definitely had those conversations with myself where I thought that the best way forward was giving MORE to my children. 

But what I’ve learned is that there must be a balance. I help no one, least of all my children, when I don’t meet my own needs properly, or manage my heart and mind, or develop my greatest gifts. And what kind of example of loving God am I setting if I’m constantly stressed, overwhelmed, tired, and negative? 

There is another way. It is through living a mission driven life. And not only will you bring your family with you, they will be so much richer for who you’ve become.

Yes, I Want to Reach My Potential!

Mom, what if things don't change?

A few years into mothering, after my third child was born, I was feeling pretty brain dead. Deep down I knew my relationship with myself was suffering, I knew my needs were coming last, I knew I was breaking down. I knew the way I was handling my life was not sustainable. 

I looked for many months for something just for me. And when I found courses built on the classics, I felt a spark of excitement. 

But then came the cost--thousands of dollars. And I knew we didn't have it. I knew there was no way. 

Then I ran across a quote from a man I greatly admired. He said, "There is no greater investment a family can make than in the education of the mother." He did not mean an education for a degree so that I could go earn a bunch of money. He meant that whatever I knew and whatever I was, would be transmitted to my children.

And I could only give my kids what I was. 

I knew that it was God telling me to go ahead. And you know what? We found a way. 

But what if I hadn't gone ahead? What if I had stayed stuck and dissatisfied? The breakdown would have come and everyone would have much more. 

Luckily, I took the leap of faith. I signed up and started! And my life has never been the same.

You know what? By making time to develop myself (for just 30 minutes a day), I became someone I never would have been otherwise. 

Most importantly, the example that I set for my family has empowered them to engage in their own personal development too!

Since you're here, chances are very high that the MDM Academy is the right answer to the problems you're facing, and to the personal development you long for.

And if you're like me or the 600+  women who have been through the program, it was definitely the key to becoming the women and mothers we truly want to be. 

Join us. You can thrive as a woman and a mother, and this is the place to learn how. 

Choose the Option that Works for You



  • Lifetime Access to all course materials
  • Printable journal, mini-posters and certificate
  • One year access to MDM community
  • One year access to live online mentoring
  • One year access to MDM directory
Yes, I'm Ready to Thrive!



  • Lifetime Access to all course materials
  • Printable journal, mini-posters and certificate
  • One year access to MDM community
  • One year access to live online mentoring
  • One year access to MDM directory
Yes, I'm Ready to Thrive!

A few more experiences from MDM moms: 

"My kids have their mom back" 

"Changed from the inside out"

 "I found me"

"I needed character leveling-up"

Yes, I Want Confidence and Personal Growth!