Audrey Rindlisbacher

Audrey is the author of The Mission Driven Life, Co-Founder of The Mission Driven Mom, Creator of The Mission Driven Mom Podcast, a popular speaker. She has a masters degree in education. She has been married to the love of her life for 29 years and is mother of 6 children.

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If you’ve ever tried self-help books, courses, therapy, or coaching, its likely that you walked away feeling frustrated or disappointed in the results. I did too, over and over again. In my immense pain I wanted to understand why the things I tried didn’t work, and figure out if there were any other options for me.

What I uncovered has revolutionized my life and taught me that when self-help doesn’t help, you are actually not the problem, it is the modern self-help that is broken. In this brief article you’ll learn the 5 Reasons Self-Help Doesn’t Help, and be shown a new opportunity you can pursue that will empower you to begin solving your significant problems and reaching your true potential