4 Foundational Laws That Will Change Your Life

Level 1 Access

Love of God & Self

Level 1 is all about better loving God and becoming stellar at living the 3 principles of Love of Self: Self-Care, Self-Management, and Self-Discovery.

Available for Access After Completing Level 1

Love of Truth

Level 2 is where the rubber really hits the road as you develop the ability to become principle-centered in every area of your life.

Available for Access After Completing Level 2

Love of Humanity

In Level 3, you’ll increase your love for humanity by digging deep into servant leadership, worldviews, world history and more.

Available for Access After Completing Level 3

Mission Project and Graduation

With the knowledge, skills, and tools you’ve gained, you’re now ready to put everything together to create and execute your mission.

Principles That Will Stabilize and Empower You in Level 1: Love of God & Self

icon Self-Care: Experience the Stabilizing Influence of Identifying and Meeting Your Real Needs

As moms, it’s so easy to ignore our needs and pretend like everything will be ok, but of course it always backfires. We know all too well that how we are feeling affects the whole atmosphere in our homes and either nourishes or distracts from the spirit of love and unity we want to have there.
That’s why Level 1 begins with YOU – and your real needs. It focuses on helping you understand what self-care really is (and what it is not), why thinking in terms of needs is so critical (for you and your family), which tools you need to meet those needs and what a huge difference meeting your needs will make for you and your family!

The Self-Care sections in Level 1 are titled: Meeting my Real Needs by…

  • Nurturing My Spirit
  • Caring For My Physical Body
  • Developing My Mind
  • Governing My Emotions

icon Self-Management: Increase Your Personal Power By Skillfully Managing Your Heart and Mind

Managing yourself is really all about claiming the personal POWER that is yours! It’s about changing your paradigms and seeing yourself and the world in a new way (the correct way). It’s about using your gifts of creation and faith to generate positivity around yourself – which elevates your entire family! One of the best parts of the self-management sections is the novels which teach the principles you are learning. Through reading about the lives of others in these novels (including children’s novels) you have the opportunity to see the principles in action and share them with your family!

The Self-Management sections are titled: Increasing My Personal Power by…

  • Becoming a Creator
  • Telling Myself the Truth
  • Seeing Myself & Others Honestly
  • Being An Essentialist

icon Self-Discovery: Embrace the Confidence that Comes from Uncovering and Developing Your Unique Gifts

Arguably the funnest part of Level 1 are all the self-discovery activities you get to do! These exercises will show you things you never knew about yourself! Even though as moms we tend to shy away from focusing on our strengths, we must remember that we can’t complete life mission unless we have developed our uniqueness and put it to work for others! It’s critical that we set this example for our families and the Self-Discovery sections of Level 1 put you on the path to yours!

Section titles include: Discovering My Uniqueness…

  • By Exploring My Past
  • Through My Strengths
  • Through My Temperament
  • Through My Intelligences
  • By Clarifying My Values

We’ve Included Absolutely EVERYTHING You Need To Be Radically Successful In Truly Loving God & Yourself!

$349 for Instant Access

Beautiful WORKBOOK with “All About Me” section, 60+ Journaling Pages, and Inspiring Mini-Posters where you can capture all your thoughts and insights

50+ VIDEO LESSONS (25+ Hours) in Level 1, with Audiofiles and Slidedecks which allow you to watch or listen to uplifting presentations on the go

WORKSHEETS including Tools for Group Discussion, Reading Schedules, and Cheatsheets that enhance your experience and make it easy to complete level 1 with a group

Powerful “LIVE IT!” ACTIVITIES that enable you to appropriately apply the principles you learn

Monthly Live Online GROUP MENTORING Sessions with MDM Academy creator Audrey Rindlisbacher

24/7 Access to the MDM Academy PRIVATE COMMUNITY of moms and mentors for discussion, support, and encouragement

Monthly WORKSHOPS with certified MDM Mentors digging deep Into the academy content ensuring you can always move forward confidently

13 PRINCIPLES LISTS that anchor your learning and applications to make them effective and lasting

Dozens of BONUS MATERIALS Readings, Videos, and Resources to enrich your understanding of the principles

Carefully Curated READING SELECTIONS from the authors, genres, and time periods which best exemplify and teach the principles

Dozens of Thought and Discussion QUESTIONS, and Mentor PROMPTS
that get you thinking more deeply and fully about the principles and how to apply them

Clearly Demonstrated LEARNING SKILLS that empower you to capture your most important insights and gain much more from the MDM Academy materials


How The MDM Academy Is Changing Lives

The MDM Academy has helped me take ownership of my life. I would have never dreamed that most of my “people problems” were in reality problems that I was creating! What I have been learning has literally saved my marriage. A marriage that was filled with blame and selfishness is now thriving with love and concern for the other person.

Heidi Matthews

If your seeking heart is yearning for greater direction and motivation in a flexible and affordable program, I highly recommend considering the MDM Academy!

Kate Day

The MDM Academy has given me a clearer picture of what my specific skills, traits and strengths are.

Melissa Orton

Teaching principles to my kids is a huge part of my “why” for doing this program. Almost everything I learn here, I turn around and teach to my children.

Amy James

The Mission Driven Mom has done an amazing job of curating materials and resources to help women as we seek to better understand ourselves and how we can do and become more.

Evelyn Pieper

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