Mission Driven Stories: David Green

Born into humble circumstances, the son of a devoted pastor, David Green realized early on that he possessed a knack for retail, yet as with all truly mission driven individuals, those around him questioned the spiritual meaning of this profession.  Despite opposition, David found a way to bring meaning to his talents and, after years of preparation, founded Hobby Lobby, a chain of arts and crafts stores. Over time, Hobby Lobby became hugely profitable, yet despite the immense wealth he had acquired, David turned to God for how He would have David use this incredible resource.

God’s answer, coupled with David’s commitment to obey will astound you!

Listen to this episode to hear how David Green lived the 7 Laws of Life Mission.  You’ll see how the first 4 foundational laws prepared him to courageously execute his mission, even in the face of incredible opposition, and how he’s leaving a legacy of developing talents and joyfully sharing them with the world.

Listener’s Guide:

Use the time stamps below to skip to any part of the podcast. 

1:31  Law 1:  A foundation for Love of God
6:33  Law 2:  Discovers talents in retail
8:44  Law 3:  Parents instill Love of Truth
12:32 Law 4:  Inspired by biographies of great men and women
14:12  Law 5:  A call to the retail industry
22:46  Law 6  Courageously turns Hobby Lobby over to God
27:50  Law 7:  Stands for his beliefs at the Supreme Court

Quotes from this episode:

“What I learned from the fierce faith of my parents has shaped every day of life since.  I can still remember hearing their voices raised in prayer and how they cried out to God for their children and for the lost people of our various communities.  The sound of their singing still plays in my mind and moves me deeply. They trusted in Jesus Christ completely and because they did, we saw an almost unceasing stream of miracles.  My faith grew as I saw God faithfully provide for our needs again and again.” ~David Green

“A calling can be anything from retail work to landscaping to carpentry to homemaking. We’re each wired differently and have something unique and significant to contribute.” ~David Green

“The immense profits we were enjoying had become a source of worry to me.  I was grateful for them, but I also knew that wealth has to be handled wisely to keep it from being destructive.  I was eager to be wise, and this yearning to do the right thing was keeping me up at night.  One night I was praying about this out in the back yard.  All of a sudden, right there under the Oklahoma night sky, something dramatic happened.  I sensed God saying to me, ‘This company belongs to me.  Don’t you touch it.  It’s mine.’  The force of these words jolted me…I truly believed then, as I do now, that Hobby Lobby is a company God allowed to be born and to endure.  If we kept getting in his way, if we kept relying on human strengths and thinking, what kind of trouble awaited us?…From that moment on, it was crystal clear in my mind that this was not my corporation…The fact that God owns Hobby Lobby has influenced our decisions about how we run the business in many different ways…” ~David Green

“If we don’t use Hobby Lobby’s earnings to touch people for the Lord, I really don’t see the reason for me to be in business at all.” ~David Green

“I challenge you to strive in some measure to do something of what David Green has done, to really develop those gifts and give them out, receive the joy that’s there for you in developing and sharing all of the intellectual, spiritual, emotional and social capital you have to share out and give it all away.” ~Audrey Rindlisbacher

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