How to Discover Your Life Mission

What do Albert Schweitzer, Mother Theresa, and David Green all have in common? They all began their life mission the same way!  

Yep! No matter the time, place or culture you live in, life mission ALWAYS starts in a very similar way. Why? Because in order to take the steps necessary to find and fulfill your life mission, you must begin in the same place – you must BECOME the sort of person that sets their foot on that path. 

How do you get there? How do you become and especially how to help your children become the kind of people that will want to lead a mission driven life? You’ll find those answers in this podcast! You’ll hear right from these individuals where it all started for them; why they wanted to engage in mission. And how you can follow their example and take your first steps

In this episode you will hear:

  • How mission driven individuals discovered and began their life missions
  • A pattern of principles found in the lives of mission-centered individuals including Albert Schweitzer, Mother Theresa, and David Green
  • Audrey Rindlisbacher’s personal experience with the first stages of life mission
  • Why willingness is critical to life mission
  • What real love is and how it’s connected to mission

Listener Guide:

Use the time stamps to skip to any part of the podcast.

1:25  Albert Schweitzer
4:10  Mother Theresa
5:52 David Green
9:15  The first step to life mission:  willingness
11:01  Audrey Rindlisbacher’s personal experience with the first stages of life mission
17:26  Willingness vs. willfulness
20:48  The connection between submission and mission
22:13  The first four laws of The 7 Laws of Life Mission prepare you to become a leader
23:04  What real love is and how it’s connected to mission

Quotes from this episode:

“Many a time had I tried to settle what meaning lay hidden for me in the saying of Jesus! ‘Whosoever would save his life shall lose it, and whosoever shall lose his life for My sake and the Gospels shall save it.’ Now the answer was found. In addition to the outward, I now had inward happiness.” Albert Schweitzer

“I was sure it was God’s voice. I was certain that he was calling me. The message was clear: I must leave the convent to help the poor by living among them. This was a command, something to be done, something definite. I knew where I had to be. But I did not know how to get there.” Mother Teresa

“One night I was praying about this out in the back yard. All of a sudden, right there under the Oklahoma night sky, something dramatic happened. I sensed God saying to me, ‘This company belongs to me. Don’t you touch it. It’s mine.’” David Green

“I truly believed then, as I believe now, that Hobby Lobby is a company God allowed to be born and to endure. If we kept getting in his way, if we kept relying on human strengths and thinking, what kind of trouble awaited us?” David Green

“Yet I think it is characteristic of all ‘great’ people that they are extremely strong-willed—whether their greatness be for good or for evil. The strong will—the power and authority of Jesus radiates from the Gospels, just as Hitler’s did from Mein Kampf. But Jesus’ will was that of his Father, and Hitler’s that of his own. The crucial distinction is between ‘willingness and willfulness.’” M. Scott Peck

“I define love thus: The will to extend one’s self for the purpose of nurturing one’s own or another’s spiritual growth.” M. Scott Peck

“The opposite of love is not hatred but laziness. Love is work and therefore the refusal to love comes not from our passions but from our lack of effort—our unwillingness to put in the work love requires.”  Audrey Rindlisbacher

Books from this episode:


2 replies on “How to Discover Your Life Mission”

  1. The Mission Driven Mom podcast is so inspiring. I love hearing Audrey share about all these interesting people that she has studied.

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