Principles of Vision and Why They Matter

“It is peculiar to humankind that they can only live by looking to the future. This is man’s salvation in the most difficult moments of his existence–although he sometimes has to force his mind to the task.” ~Viktor Frankl What crisis are you facing? Rebellious child, troubled marriage, financial setbacks, poor self-image? The Principles of

The Danger of Expectations

“Expectation is the root of all heartache.” ~William Shakespeare We all set expectations–it’s just part of our human nature. In fact, we are so accustomed to creating expectations, that we often don’t even know we have! Here’s the problem–expectations can be dangerous! Why? Because expectations create a standard that we begin to believe must be

My Response to ‘The Secret’

In 2006, an unknown woman was instrumental in creating and releasing a little documentary titled “The Secret.” Its fame grew rapidly through unconventional avenues until it achieved massive worldwide impact. Now, in 2020, a sequel to this documentary is being released in movie form titled: “The Secret: Dare to Dream.” The release of the new

10 Steps to Presenting Your Principles Persuasively

“If the conversation is worth having, it’s worth doing right.” ~Audrey Rindlisbacher  We LOVE principles! We know they matter and we desperately want to share them with those we love. But… sharing principles can be tricky! When wanting to share the truths we’ve learned, we might be asking ourselves: How do I know I’m right?