Tools for Reaching Your Potential

“The truth is that you probably have more natural potential than you could use if you lived one hundred lifetimes. Whatever you have accomplished up until now is only a small fraction of what is truly possible for you.”  ~Brian Tracy

As moms, we often focus far more on just getting through the day rather than about reaching our potential. But think about that. What message do we send our kids when we are always too busy to make time for ourselves? That it’s ok for them to hyper-focus on themselves? Or that they also can’t afford to make time for personal needs and growth?

Neither message is healthy or what we truly want for our children…or for ourselves. So how do we do it? How do we work toward our own potential while helping our children to do the same? 

Join Audrey in this episode as she discusses how to tap into your potential and shares practical tools to help you make it happen.  You will also hear how Natural Law can provide a safe boundary for your desires and the freedom you’ve always wanted to whole-heartedly follow your passions while glorifying God.

Listener’s Guide:

Use the time stamps below to skip to any part of the podcast.

2:55  Author Brian Tracy shares the moment he realizes he’s responsible for himself
6:27  We get what we desire most
8:35  We have untapped potential
9:27   How do I determine what is O.K. to desire?
11:30  How do I grow?  When I get up in the morning, what’s the translation?
12:27 How do I know if what I desire is right in God’s eyes?
18:46  How can a framework of Natural Law help me navigate my desires?
22:50  The mechanics of goal setting
29:15  Practical tips: what Audrey does to reach her goals

Quotes from this episode:

“Wherever you focus you attention, wherever you put your energy, that is what will grow.” ~Mark Fisher and Marc Allen

“1. SOME goals must be big (out of reach-not out of sight) to make you stretch and grow to your full potential.
2. SOME goals must be long-range to keep you on track and greatly reduce the possibility of short-range frustrations.
3. SOME goals must be small and daily to keep you disciplined and in touch with the reality of ‘nitty gritties’ of daily life.
4. SOME goals must be ongoing.
5. SOME goals (sales, educational, financial, weight loss, etc.) might require analysis and consultation to determine where you are before you can set the goals.
6. MOST goals should be specific.” ~Zig Ziglar

“The most common answer given by successful people is that they think about what they want, and how to get it most of the time.  Unsuccessful, unhappy people think and talk about what they don’t want most of the time.  They talk about their problems and worries and who is to blame most of the time.” ~Brian Tracy

Books from this episode:


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