12 Characteristics of True Principles, Part 1

We live in a world of relativism–my truth and your truth, rather than THE truth. Yet, as mission driven moms, we are striving to build principle-centered hearts and homes. This is no easy task, especially when we’ve been given almost no clear instruction or direction in the skills of discovering and applying true principles in

5 Principles I Live By

For many years Audrey and her family have been pursuing principle-centered living. It is a journey that has been bumpy but rewarding. Through all of the books, all the experiences and all the trial and error, a few governing principles have emerged as most powerful for obtaining and maintaining peace–peace of conscience, peace in the

Who Are You?

Have you ever considered that the way you talk to yourself about yourself might actually not be true? Have you ever caught yourself speaking about yourself in reference to a fault or weakness like, “I’m not good with people” or “I’m not a morning person” or “I hate exercising?” As if these habits were part

Thoughts On Liberty

With the 4th of July just around the corner, it’s a good time to reflect on the liberties we enjoy. It’s important that as mothers raising the next generation, we work hard to understand our national heritage, our political liberties and most importantly, how those liberties are tied to our personal understanding of and adherence