Principles of Government Part 2: Rights of Life, Liberty, Property, and Conscience

“Whatever is at the center of a person’s life forms the fabric of his conscience. The conscience must be educated from divine sources in order for it to be keen and sharp, responsive and sensitive to God. ” ~Stephen Covey The rights of life, liberty, and property seem pretty straight-forward and self-explanatory, but the right

What Is A Mother of Principle?

“MDM has quenched a thirst to really be consistent in applying principles. It has broken open the doors of empowerment, freedom, and joy by helping me apply principles daily.” ~Leanna Irving “Understanding principles fundamentally changes you.” ~Lindsey Wright “Permanent change is hard but living principles is the road to permanent change.” ~Audrey Rindlisbacher “When you

Principles that Rescued Us in 2020

“Telling myself the truth was my guiding light.” ~Heidi Mathews At The Mission Driven Mom, we make a big deal about principles. We know that principles are timeless, absolute truths that can guide us through hard times, show us how to change for the better, and make our way in life a little bit smoother.

Principles of Vision and Why They Matter

“It is peculiar to humankind that they can only live by looking to the future. This is man’s salvation in the most difficult moments of his existence–although he sometimes has to force his mind to the task.” ~Viktor Frankl What crisis are you facing? Rebellious child, troubled marriage, financial setbacks, poor self-image? The Principles of

10 Steps to Presenting Your Principles Persuasively

“If the conversation is worth having, it’s worth doing right.” ~Audrey Rindlisbacher  We LOVE principles! We know they matter and we desperately want to share them with those we love. But… sharing principles can be tricky! When wanting to share the truths we’ve learned, we might be asking ourselves: How do I know I’m right?

How I Teach My Children Responsibility

Early in Audrey’s parenting, she realized how difficult it can be to teach children responsibility, especially in today’s “entitlement” environment. It can seem like everyone has their hand out and is focused on what’s in it for them. How, she wondered, can moms raise conscientious, responsible adults in a positive, empowering way? Then she ran