Meet Our Team: Tracie Hyde

Meet Tracie Hyde, board member and Director of Events at The Mission Driven Mom.  Join Audrey Rindlisbacher as Tracie shares with Audrey her experiences in the Middle East and what she learned from insightful mothers there.  You’ll hear Tracie share her search for purpose in education, how after wandering in the educational desert for years, she realized

Charlotte Mason on the Power of Natural Law

“As for this superior morality of some non-believers, supposing we grant it, what does it amount to? Just to this, that the universe of mind, as the universe of matter, is governed by unwritten laws of God…and that those who do ascertain and keep any divine law inherit the blessing due to obedience.” ~Charlotte Mason

Meet Our Team: Julie Greenman

Meet Julie Greenman, board member and Director of Public Relations at The Mission Driven Mom.  Join Audrey Rindlisbacher as Julie shares with Audrey her personal journey to learning to love God and self, how the classics have influenced her life, and the greatest thing in her life right now.  You’ll hear what motivates Julie to teach mothers

Meet Our Team: Lindsey Wright

Meet Lindsey Wright, board member and Director of Marketing at The Mission Driven Mom. Join Audrey Rindlisbacher as she chats with Lindsey about her home life, moments of self-discovery and balancing the demands of family and mission.  You’ll hear Lindsey’s inspiring vision and encouragement for moms. “I would like the moms to know that this is hard,